27 August . 2015
Money Magazine Names Tampa "Best Large City in Southeast"
Locals know that Tampa has a lot to offer its residents – an affordable cost of living, great schools, lots of cultural activities, and an abundance of water activities. Oh, and don’t forget about our professional sports teams and burgeoning downtown.
Now the folks at Money magazine have recognized Tampa in its annual list of the Best Cities in the United States. The magazine ranked Tampa as the Best Large City in the Southeast.
Tampa was named one of five “urban gems,” along with Pittsburgh, Denver, Omaha and Mesa, Arizona. As part its criteria, the magazine considered a community’s job market, open spaces, healthcare access, cultural offerings and real estate prices.
The magazine noted the Tampa Bay Lightning’s Stanley Cup run, the acclaimed Tampa Museum of Art and last summer’s Bollywood Oscars as some of the reasons Tampa is a city “whose time has arrived.”
We have to agree, there’s no better place to live than Tampa and its surrounding communities.
To read the complete article, click here.